Ozone can inactivate viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, by destroying the outer membrane of the micro-organism. By compromising the outer shell, the ozone gas penetrates the inner cell and alters the DNA to a point where the unwanted parasite cell is rendered ineffective. Ozone treatment unlike chemotherapy strengthens the immune system. Today it is used as a supplement to traditional medication regimen for diseases such as cancer. It helps to quell the side effects of harsh chemotherapy agentsIn the ozone generator, a corona-discharge element is present, which provides a capacitive load. Ozone is produced from oxygen as a direct result of electrical discharge. This corona-discharge ruptures the stable oxygen molecule and forms two oxygen radicals.
( Basically the electrical spark splits an oxygen molecule into two oxygen atoms. Electrical discharge is also referred to as corona discharge. These unstable oxygen atoms combine with other oxygen molecules. This combination forms ozone).

These radicals can combine with oxygen molecules to form ozone.To control and maintain the electrical discharge, a di-electric is present, carried out in ceramic or glass.The excessive heat of the electrodes is often cooled by cooling water, or by air.An ozonizer creates ozone by charging the air with a burst of high negative voltage.
Ozone can be created in your home when an electric current is passed through oxygen to break it apart. Free oxygen atoms bind with oxygen molecule to form ozone. Ozone is an unstable molecule that will break down into one oxygen molecule and one oxygen atom.
The atom is known as a free radical and seeks to steal electrons from anything it can find. This oxidation — when an atom steals an electron from another — can destroy or damage cells, such as bacteria and viruses.
Ozone can inactivate viruses, bacteria, and protozoa, by destroying the outer membrane of the micro-organism. By compromising the outer shell, the ozone gas penetrates the inner cell and alters the DNA to a point where the unwanted parasite cell is rendered ineffective. Ozone treatment unlike chemotherapy strengthens the immune system. Today it is used as a supplement to traditional medication regimen for diseases such as cancer. It helps to quell the side effects of harsh chemotherapy agentsIn the ozone generator, a corona-discharge element is present, which provides a capacitive load. Ozone is produced from oxygen as a direct result of electrical discharge. This corona-discharge ruptures the stable oxygen molecule and forms two oxygen radicals.
( Basically the electrical spark splits an oxygen molecule into two oxygen atoms. Electrical discharge is also referred to as corona discharge. These unstable oxygen atoms combine with other oxygen molecules. This combination forms ozone).

These radicals can combine with oxygen molecules to form ozone.To control and maintain the electrical discharge, a di-electric is present, carried out in ceramic or glass.The excessive heat of the electrodes is often cooled by cooling water, or by air.An ozonizer creates ozone by charging the air with a burst of high negative voltage.
Ozone stimulates oxygen metabolism . It causes an increase of metabolism inside the endogenous red blood cells, which, in turn, releases more oxygen to tissues inside the body. As the body becomes more oxygenated, it is more proficient at fighting disease. Ozone is said to also up the production of enzymes in the body, which act as free radical scavengers and healthy cell protectors.
As ozone gas enters the body, it is broken down in peroxides. Peroxides are said to be attracted to diseased or weakened cells. If a cell is healthy, it presumably has enzymes that will resist penetration by the peroxides, but a weak cell that has been infected with viruses, bacteria, or cancerous growth is essentially defenseless against the treatment.
Hence ozone is a potential treatment for a multitude of debilitating diseases, including cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, and AIDS. Some of these diseases are thought to require multiple treatments with ozone therapy because the associated disease pathogen is more susceptible at different stages of its development.
Ozone is one of the best sanitizers/sterilizers in the world . Almost all swimming pools in the best hotels of the world have Ozone plants instead of injecting Chlorine. Here ozone is infused into water . Bacteria are single-cell creatures sealed by a relatively solid-cell membrane. Ozone breaks through the cell membrane, and this leads to the destruction of the bacteria.
Viruses unlike bacteria, they multiply only within the host cell. They transform protein of the host cell into proteins of their own. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the exterior protein shell by oxidation so DNA or RNA structures of the virus are affected.
Ozone occurs readily in nature, as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. The typical “fresh spring rain" smell that we notice after a storm most often results from nature's creation of ozone. In total, ozone makes up only 0.6 ppm of the atmosphere.
In standard conditions, ozone is a pale blue gas that condenses at progressively cryogenic temperatures to a dark blue liquid and finally a violet-black solid.We are familiar with the "ozone layer" that circles the planet above the earth's atmosphere. Here the ozone is created by the sun's ultra-violet rays. This layer serves to protect us from the sun’s sunburn-producing UVB (280–315 nm) ultra-violet radiation. . The band of UV closest to visible light, UVA (315–400 nm), is hardly affected by ozone, and most of it reaches the ground, and is responsible for the production of vitamin D in humans.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection, which he contacted from a smelly boxing glove in the gym ashore. Ozone gas can disinfect such a glove in seconds. Even if Ozone is used in water , less rinse water used reduces the overall discharged water.
Big 5 and 7 star hotels use ozone to lower costs and save money. Nursing homes use ozone to reduce cross contamination of illness and infections. Wont you feel more comfortable if your child is born in a hospital with an ozone generator?Ozone is 3,125 times more germicidal than chlorine
When ozone gas is injected into water at higher pressures more force will be placed on the wall of that gas bubble. This force will allow ozone to dissolve into water more efficiently.
Ozone at higher concentrations will dissolve into water more efficiently than ozone at lower concentrations.
Today, there are about 300 major water treatment plants in the United States that incorporate the use of ozone in their processes.
In 1982, ozone was given GRAS approval ( generally recognized as safe ) for use in bottled water. Today, the majority of bottled water companies use ozone to ensure pure water that is pathogen free for consumers.
The use of ozone for wastewater disinfection has been growing in popularity due to strict regulations on fecal coliform and other pathogens.
As chemical costs rise, ozone becomes a more cost effective solution for wastewater disinfection. Ozone can be produced on site using oxygen from the ambient air. Only electrical power is required for operation. Ozone is a green solution to wastewater disinfection. No by-products or waste products are formed in the creation of ozone.
Ozone is used as a sanitizer in Clean-In-Place (CIP) Systems. . The use of ozone eliminates the need of hot water cycles, reducing the amount of water used, and the energy costs associated with hot water. These costs savings in conjunction with chemical savings have made ozone a cost saving measure.
In 2001, ozone was give GRAS approval for direct contact with all fish, meat and poultry products.
One of the major concerns for cross-contamination on food processing equipment is bio-film buildup. Bio-films are layers of microorganisms bonded tightly to a surface.
Microbes can attach themselves to a surface and continue to grow layer upon layer of new microbes. The new layer of microbes can provide nutrients and protection against sanitizers to the existing layers of microbes. These layers of microbes can continue to grow, and become more resistant to sanitizers over time making sanitation more difficult if proper sanitation is not achieved on a regular basis.
These resistant bio-films are most common in cracks, crevices, and corners of food processing equipment that are only sanitized periodically. In fact if you go to your own kitchen you can see such black biofilm build up in cracks near the wash basin and tiling grooves.
Microorganisms such as E.coli can build resistance to chlorine over time. A major drawback of chlorine and other chemicals is the harsh effect they have on equipment made of metals and wood. Equipment, walls, floors, drains, tanks, tubs, racks, knives, and tables can all be sprayed with aqueous ozone, destroying all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores.
No other sanitation step after the use of ozone is necessary. In fact no rinse step is necessary after ozone as the ozone will leave no residual on the surface. This lowers cleaning time and water usage costs.
Many applications do not allow for water to penetrate locations where bacteria may reside and cause future cross-contamination. Gaseous ozone can be used with everything in place. Ozone alarms are installed for the safety of personnel. In this case there are two set-points. The first is an intermittent alarm, which is triggered at 0.25 ppm. The second alarm activates a ventilation fan at 0.5 ppm. Ozone levels are displayed on the sensor readout.
Ozonated ice can be used in the storage of fish to prolong shelf-life and maintain a fresher, better looking product to the end user. The other way is to buy fish doused in formalin and then have kidney dialysis and transplant later on in life. In US and European fishing vessels , to maintain high quality fish products for market, ozonated ice is used on these vessels for the fish that are harvested early in the voyage and stored. Ozone can also be dissolved into water and used to wash seafood and fish fillet's to reduce bacteria and extend shelf-life in fresh fish.
Organic foods are typically foods that are grown without pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, or growth hormones. This means the food you are eating is more natural and free of synthetic products. There is a catch. 100% Organic — Products made entirely with certified organic ingredients and methods. Organic means products with at least 95% organic ingredients. Like our own ghee and asli ghee.
Most undesirable micro-organisms are anaerobic, which means that they thrive in the absence of oxygen; in fact, they are destroyed by the presence of oxygen. The viruses that contain lipids are more sensitive to deactivation by ozone – Herpes, Mumps, Measles, Influenza, Rabies, HIV etc .
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